Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Wally to speak for our group?

Superior Content AND Superior Delivery.

What about the rest of the team?

Same! Superior content and superior delivery from every FireStarterConsultant.

What is superior content?

Wally knows leadership. He led successfully in the Marines and in CorporateAmerica. His work as a consultant enables him to see and work with manyunique situations giving him deeper insights into the subject. He is anadvisor on, Non-Resident Fellow for Marine Corps University,President Elect of the State Chapter of National Speakers Association and acontributor to countless journals and publications on the subject ofleadership.

What about superior delivery?

There are a lot of people who know about leadership but there are preciousfew who can deliver it in an exciting, dynamic and entertaining manner.Wally is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) member of the NationalSpeakers Association (NSA). Only ten percent of the members of NSA haveearned this designation. He consistently receives high marks and high praisefrom audiences and meeting planners. He mixes humor, energy, passion and agenuine concern for his audience into a memorable presentation.

What kind of presentations does Wally do?

1) General session keynotes for a meeting or convention2) Concurrent educational sessions at a convention or show3) In-house educational workshops for a company or association

Does Wally work alone?

That all depends on the objectives of the engagement or meeting. FireStarteris a virtual corporation comprised of like-minded successful leaders whowant to help others. FireStarter uses subject matter experts (SMEs) for eachof its workshops and keynotes. Every presentation is delivered by someone onthe A team. There are no junior consultants or interns at FireStarter.Everyone on the team is a seasoned professional with memorable platformskills.

What do FireStarter presenters need for their presentations?

That depends on the format and audience size but a wireless lapel microphoneand riser is generally needed for keynotes and concurrent sessions withlarge group. For the educational sessions a data projector with screen isneeded. We are pretty flexible and will work with you to make sure thecontent gets delivered effectively.

Will Wally and the other consultants tailor their presentation to the group

?Absolutely, there is no way we can truly connect with your audience unlesswe do tailor the content. We will research your company, interview keystakeholders, and use examples of your product where possible. Our commentswill be focused on your specific challenges and appropriate to your strategyand values.

Where does FireStarter work?

We work primarily across North America and travel internationally for selectclients.

What results can I expect when using FireStarter?

First of all attendees will enjoy the experience and be happy you chose aspeaker who didn't bore them to tears. Beyond that your audience will learnkey leadership principles they will immediately apply on the job. Thetailoring of the presentation to your situation virtually guarantees this.

How else can FireStarter help my event?

Many organizations and associations have a newsletter or magazine. We willprovided articles before the event to help build awareness for the event. Wecan do this after the event to help reinforce key principles from thepresentation. In addition to that, just ask us to do whatever you need us todo. We work for you!

Is he a low maintenance speaker?

Wally is a NO maintenance speaker. Two reasons for that. First, he was inthe Marines for ten years. There isn't anything you can do to him that isworse than anything he experienced there. Second, Wally knows he is part ofthe meeting and the message not THE meeting and message. He knows you have a lot to do and wants to help you have a successful event. He will work withyou to make that happen. He is truly easy to work with and very responsiveto your needs. Unlike many speakers, Wally doesn't require 50% of his feeup-front to hold the date nor does he require payment at the time of thepresentation. He will invoice you upon successful completion of all work.

How do I book Wally and his team?

Email us, call us or use this form and let us know what you need. If youTHINK you might want to use us then please get in touch and we will put ano-obligation, no-cost "hold" on the date. Then we will work together todetermine the best way for FireStarter to support your group.

How did Wally become a speaker?

As an expert on leadership, every job and experience in his life directlycontributed to the person he is today and to his command of the material.From a delivery perspective he has a solid natural aptitude for speaking, hedoes a lot of speaking to get better, and has a coach to help him speak atthe very highest levels of the profession.

"At first I was a bit skeptical... but you were able to slowly rule over my skepticism with your candid stories, accurate information on ‘true’ leadership and your closing statement. “Here are the tools; I have not given you application but merely the tools to be great leaders.” Your stories about the next generation and not forcing them to “pay their dues” really struck a chord as well as your analysis of generation Y and their constant need for information…"

Dan Cullen
JP Cullen & Sons, Inc.