Effective leadership at all levels is the one non-negotiable element for real business success. Demographic shifts, intense competition, and demanding customers are business as usual today and you need leaders to successfully face these challenges. Your people need proven solutions coupled with usable personal insights to lead effectively.
Strategy without execution will fail. Theory without reality will confuse.
FireStarter is our response to our clients' demands for personal and powerful Consulting and Speaking solutions. Organizations want solutions that really work, people want to know they are investing their time wisely.
You don't get academic solutions that work only in the classroom. You get proven solutions that actually work in the real world. I know because I, as well as my clients, have used them with success
This is the criteria most organizations use to make purchase decisions, including speaking and consulting services. This return ultimately shows up in net profits. However, depending on your unique situation, other measures will be used to determine if you are realizing a return. Increased productivity, decreased turnover, higher customer satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, less waste and rework, higher quality, and increased market share are all measures that can lead to higher profits. Your specific need will dictate the exact nature of your solution, but the best solutions will be focused on 1) your performance metrics and 2) giving you a high return on investment. The most effective way to accomplish this is to select a consulting team that will help your people to elevate their performance by giving them usable tools and education they will be able to use on the job the minute they get back to work. They deliver better results you get peace of mind.
FireStarter Speaking and Consulting is user friendly. We translate theory into relevant and usable education that will help your people and teams be more successful. We have been helping leaders transform themselves and their businesses for two decades. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.
"Thanks so much for being with us... You clearly moved many folks and the commitment sheets that we are getting back are better than we had expected.... Thanks so much for the tremendous amount of effort that you put into the presentation. We fully realize what a valuable contribution this was. "
Laura Barrett
Board Member
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests